Friday, December 4, 2009

Super Man Returns

Well I have returned... well to be honest I have been back for a while, but I haven't had much opportunity to release the inner super man, physically speaking that is. Capt Cue-Ball and I went for a run. I decided to run with a 25 pound pack on my back. Why, because I can. That's why.

We ran 2.5 miles to the gym and at the gym played ultimate football for an hour, think ultimate frisbee but with a football. For an hour we ran up and down a basketball court playing continuous football. I scored 6 touchdowns, threw 4 TDs and had several strong defensive blocks. And after the hour of continuous running on the court, we got to run all the way back to work. In total we ran 5 miles on the street (with a pack) and probably 2 mile playing football. Oh yeah, did I mention it was pouring rain in central Florida today? That's right, when most people stay indoors and avoid getting wet, we continue to live life out loud. A very wet, fun run... never to be forgotten.