Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Key West Baby!!!

First Off - Congrats to my sister and brother in law. My sister is knocked up (again) and she found out today that they are having a girl this time. Two boys and they are now adding a baby girl to the family. She has been calling this for a while now; she knew it was a girl and she was right.
This weekend the wife and I went to Key West, Fl. Only a short 7 hour drive (sarcastic) from Orlando and you can be in an Island Paradise. Here are a few pics but trust me there are more. With our fancy camera in hand, we were picture taking fools.

Anyways... the purpose of this blog wasn't to brag that I am going to be the uncle of a baby girl or that I went to Key West this weekend; it was to post my work outs as I prepare for an Ironman. I took Friday-Monday off while we were in the Keys. Today I rode my triathlon bike for the first time. I bought the bike shoes that clip into the pedals yesterday and even bought a helmet (safety first!). So today I took off for a ride. 18.25 miles. All I can say is that I need to invest in padded bicycle shorts, ouch. That was all I did today.
No top five list today, I didn't have time to work on it. Peace out.

1 comment:

Goes On Runs said...

we never hit the keys.... bummer... or miami. we were silly. we should have traveled more before kids.... ah... what could've been. we did like st. augustine - which is only just over an hour - sleeper bed and breakfast place off peak. we like it! there is a cool cigar shop there.