Monday, January 12, 2009

So early...


Alarm clock goes off at 0530...I get out of bed at 0535...Run to the Baldwin Park Pool by 0545.  Oh yeah, way too freakin early for this.

 On the positive side though, the pool was like 80 degrees.  Cold outside, but soo warm my bed.  Ahh my bed.  I have such fond memories of it.

 Ok, early morning, warm pool got it. I need to stop complaining.  So as I get to the pool there are already two chicks in the pool.  Not swimming, but talking.  There are only three lanes (the other lanes were for "open swim" and I could have used them) and they are using two of them to talk.  So I get in start swimming and they keep on talking. Eventually they start to swim, and when they pass me I realize I should stop complaining about the girls that swim faster than I do.  But, they only swim a few laps and eventually leave.  I come up out of the water as I finish a lap and start singing "all by myself".  

It is now 0615 and I have finished swimming all I intend to swim, but I continue to linger in the water because it is cold outside and I have no towel and still have to run home.  So after a few more warming mins, I finally man up and get out.  I run to my shirt, socks and shoes and throw them on and take off running back home.  Ahh home. 

Go to work, bla, bla, bla... go to the gym

I run with my new heart rate monitor for the first time.  I took a heart rate fitness test last night.  It is supposed to get your resting heart rate and compare that to the mass majority of the people and give you a score.  The first time I did the test I wasn't that relaxed so my score wasn't good and I received a "moderate" fitness rating.  I'm no moderate people (politically yes, physically no) so I tried it again.  But this time I was asleep and the wifey pushed the buttons to start the test.  Score: a bit higher but still moderate.  I figure this stupid machine is broken.  Oh well.  Time to go for my run... 3.5 miles in 25 min.  But some how my "moderate" body can run a sustained pace at 107% of my max heart rate.  That's right... 107%.  "They" say a person's heart rate is 220-thier age.  Normal training should be approx 80% of max heart rate.  Ok, sure thing.  My running heart rate is 107% of my max or 206 bpm.  My avg rate for the run was 96% max or 186 bpm... Moderate? No way.

Time to lift and add some pain to my body in the form of free weights.  What's my heart rate while simply lifting weights...90% of max.  

Now at first this all sounded very super of a man but when I googled "high heart rate" I learned that apparently a high heart rate is bad.  But I figure if my heart is strong enough to beat that hard and not kill me, then that should be good.  I mean every Dr visit I have gone to, I have told my blood pressure was good, but is a high heart rate bad?? I don't know.  

The way I see it, al 206 bpm that is like a 14 year old kid's heart pounding at 100%.  But I am twice that kid's age and my heart can still out pump his.  How can that be bad? 

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