Anyways, I went to the Dr today and it sucked. Very anti-climatic. I prepared myself for an intense ordeal. I was hydrating all day, didn't work out before hand and even wore running clothes and shoes to the appointment. So at the appointment the Dr listened to my heart, took a sonogram of my heart, did a stress test, and I am currently wearing a mini-EKG for the next 24 hours. When he listened to my heart he asked me "did you feel that?", I was like, why? He didn't say. I am not sure what he heard. Did my heart skip a beat, beat too many times, did it start whistling the Marine Corps hymn? Who knows. After that, they did a sonogram of my heart, which I have to be honest is a hoax. I think all you see is a bunch of squiggly lines and depending on what kind of Dr it is determines what kind of news they tell you. I mean, the picture they took of "my heart" could have just as easily been a picture of a baby. Totally unrecognizable. Much like a child's art, it was total crap. You couldn't see anything. I might be pregnant, who knows? Then the very anticipated stress test. Now like I said, I showed up expecting a STRESS test. I was expecting for these Drs to really test my heart out. I was in a controlled environment with proper medical supervision... lets see how much stress the ol' heart can take. I was expecting all the Drs to gather around and watch as a human heart beats off the chart. I was expecting something out of Rocky (the one where he fights the russian) and all these newspaper guys and Drs are all around and someone says "a normal person punches at 50 pounds per square inch. Dragov will now puch. (dragov punches board) As you can see Dragov punches at 500 pounds a square inch." Everyone then ooh and ahhs like they just witnessed a medical miracle. I figured someone would say a normal heart beats at 193 bmp = 100%, while as we can see "Super Man" beats at 230bpm; then everyone would ooh and ahh. Quite the contrary though... The stress test took 14 mins and I never really broke a sweat. They only push you until you reach your 100% bpm (220-your age). Once I hit 193 the test was over. How lame is that? I brought my ipod. I had it on with my headphones in, just waiting for the test to get hard and the running to get tough. The test chick probably thought I was so stupid for bringing an ipod to the stress test. But I was expecting to but on a show. I was going to show them something a human heart isn't supposed to do. I guess not. I guess I will save that for some other time. And lastly they gave me a heart monitor that records my heart rate for the next 24 hours. No showering, yuck. They said no working out, but then I explained when I work out is when my heart really gets going. So now they said it is ok to work out. So tomorrow I will get on a treadmill and run like I haven't run in a week and let the monitor in my pocket record medical history. Or not. I know I am bit over dramatic but it is better than being under dramatic. Can you be under-dramatic? I think you can in Europe.
Anyways, I have decided to do away with the top 5 list and start something that might promote interaction... so now we have the question of the day. Everyday* I will post a new question that people can reply to. So today's question is:
What is the longest run you have ever been on (distance or time)? It can be a marathon or running from the police...just what was your longest run. Mine was in Okinawa, Japan. Jan 1st 2007 a buddy of mine and I ran an impromptu marathon. It took us 4 hours. I haven't run that long (time) ever again. I have done another Marathon since though.
*legal note: everyday being a very loose interpretation of what a day is. Think of "day" in an abstract sort of timeline, not literal.
i ran a marathon.... a real one. not an impromptu... one where we had to get up at 3 am to get to the start. 26.2 miles.
You should be a stand up or atleast write for one. Let's see, the Long Beach Half Marathon was the longest race and may be forever. Had a decent time 2:22 but mentally not great. IF I ever did it again, I'd have a buddy run with me like Kat does until the last 3 miles or so. If I ever say the "M" word, commit me.
I have never run a marathon but I like your ambition and the blog! GO get 'em tiger. Good luck with the sprint tomorrow.
Oh and tell Tiffany the kitchen and livingroom are cute!
Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?
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