a really big cupcake and a regular cake? My buddy Capt
Ponch brought cupcakes to work today from a local bakery. This particular bakery claims to make the biggest cupcake. My buddy asked what was the difference between the regular cupcakes he was buying and the "biggest" ones. The girl at the counter told him the "biggest" ones could be cut and eaten by 16-20 people. What? Is that even considered a cupcake anymore? Isn't that just a cake? So I pondered this for most of the day (
ahh the life, you are jealous. you wish you could sit around and ponder the difference between a big cupcake and a regular cake). So here is what I thought of... a cake us flat on the sides (round, square or rectangle) and there is one solid edge that connects the side(s) to the top. A cupcake (much like a muffin) is straight on the sides but "muffin tops" out from the side. But is this just a gimmick because lets be serious. A cake is a one piece baked good to be eaten by many. Cupcakes on the other hand are individual baked goods to be eaten individually. I guess though if you are a fat person and you could eat a whole cake then that last point is moot.
Hmmm what say all of you?
Ok today my shin splints put my almost out of commission. I am icing them now....mmm icing. Sorry, had a fat kid moment day dreaming of icing. My shins hurt so I will focus on biking and swimming for now. I have lifted the rule that I have to run to the gym... for now anyways.
ARSM out
By the way, while spell checking this post I just learned eaten is spelled e-a-t-e-n and not spelled e-a-t-t-e-n. And now I know...
great, now I want cupcakes- you should try the mini ones!!
To be true to the name "cup" cake, it would be a cake baked in a cup or individual section of a baking pan. So, for their claim of having the world's largest cupcake, they'd better be baking it in the world's largest "cup" or muffin pan. Until I see that, it's just a ploy to convince fat people that they're only eating an individual serving...that happens to be the size of a regular cake.
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