Well it took 3 days but I finished reading a book. Yeah. So when I say I am bored I mean I AM BORED! Hurry up and Kuwait... so I lay in my bed (a plastic covered mattress with a sleeping bad on top of it) probably 20 hours a day and I spend around 12 of those hours reading. At first I picked up this book because my mom (Marmie, death to mimi) bought tickets for the wifey and I to go see that play. I must admit the play was quite good. My oldest sister said the book was dark, but that description doesn't mean much to mean. I get dark like a color. The sky is dark. But dark being a description for a book? I said "oh yeah, dark" like I knew what she was talking about. Anyways... the book was really good. It was not like the play, rather the play was not like the book. Some of it was similar but different enough, you know. There were some adult themes in the book, but I didn't really understand most of them. A few bad words here and there but I use a few bad words every now and then so I didn't mind. I would say if you took all the inappropriate parts of the book and put them together, all in all there were probably about 4 pages in total. Of a book 400 something pages long, 4 total pages isn't bad. I think the story was very clever and tangents I found myself being bored with eventually ties together and made the plot even more imaginative. Overall a good read.
As I sit and kill time in Kuwait I have been able to skype with the wifey. No, that isn't anything gross. Skype is a free webcam service that is a lot more user friendly than a lot of the IM programs most of us have used before in the past (AOL, MSN, Yahoo!). Anyways, ask the wifey if you want my skype name but keep in mind I may not have time to talk to you. Nothing personal it is just internet time can be hard to come by and mins talking to you are mins I am not talking to the wifey. Just something to consider. I can't skype with everyone. But if you want to try go for it.
Today's WTF moment is this: How long would you think it takes to fly from Kuwait City, Kuwait to Kandahar, Afghanistan?? If you said 2 days you win. Seriously, it takes 2 days to fly 1024 miles?? I guess if you are the United State Air Force it does.
WOW, I had to keep reminding myself just who's blog I was reading a book review on! I guess sheer boredom brings out something in all of us. Do you have access to other books or is that something we can send you once we know just how to? i love you, too......Marmie
good job getting through it!!! i'm impressed. you rock. let's skype soon.
that was your sister posting not john sweet.
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