I could write about how things are going. I could tell you all that my tent is now without A/C and how hot it is here. I could tell you that my LSAT prep course is going well. I could tell you about the books I have read recently. I could tell you about my daily activities but I will save all of that for another day. Today I want to give you a bit of perspective as I see things.
As I write this two Marines are sitting in the hospital here after they had both of their legs blown off. A Marine was killed a few days ago, and another one lost his eye.
Also, there is a woman waking her children up preparing them for another day doing what most average American mother does on a daily basis. She is living her life as she has done every day, except today she lives out the fourth anniversary of the death of her husband. Four years ago her world came crashing down around her. Her husband was serving with me in Ramadi back when it was a bad place to be. He was killed during combat operations and he died leading his men. But, that was four years ago and to most of the world it is just any other day, like any other. But to some of us, this day is a reminder of priority, or perspective, and a reminder about focus…
To this woman, this day is about re-opening the wounds she has tried to heal for four years. She tried to carry on day by day by herself. I have no idea how she finds the strength each morning to even get out of bed, but she is a strong and courageous woman who lives her life for her children and in her husband’s memory. I have no idea, how she manages to carry on with her life, but like I said, she is strong. I wish I was that strong and that brave.
But her husband was not the only husband/father to be killed four years ago. On that same day, another good man was killed. And so today, another woman is out there struggling to make it through the next 24 hours. She too will struggle with how to raise her children without her helper and partner. She struggles with knowing that her children will never know their father. They will never know that man he was. They will never be tucked in at night by him, they will never hear another bed time story from him. She struggles with the questions from these youngsters of “where’s daddy”, “why isn’t daddy coming home” and the dreaded “daddy who?”.
It tears me up inside to think that some how for some unknown reason my life was spared and these men’s lives were not. How many times was my life in the crosshairs and why is it that I made it back alive. Why was I so fortunate enough to get to see my beautiful wife face again, to see my family again, to get to be given this gift of life…
While I have no answer to these questions, I try not to let these questions go too far from my mind. I try NOT to forget about these two women who have gone these past four years hurting. I try not to forget about those Marines that are awakening this morning to the realization that it wasn’t just a bad dream; they don’t have legs anymore. I try not to forget that you don’t have to be in a combat zone to remember that each day you wake up is a glorious day, a day to be lived vigorously, a day to smile and a day to thank God for.
I am not sure what is going on in your life or what struggle you face each day. I know times are hard and anyone’s future is uncertain. But no matter how shitty your day is, I suggest you get down on your knees and thank your God you still have knees to get down on. You thank your God that you are alive and privileged enough to have shitty days. The sun is shining or the sky is dark and dreary, either way you are alive to experience it and there are many people I used to know personally that no longer have that privilege. Remember these men and these women today. Take a few moments to hug and kiss your children more than you normally do. Call your parents and tell them you love them. Don’t let the sun go down today without telling everyone important in your life that they are important in your life. You may not be lucky enough to get tomorrow. Or worse they might not be lucky enough.
Now some of you may be thinking that the story of those two women sound familiar but a newer version than the story you remember. You may be thinking I know a woman like that, or maybe you are thinking I know children like that. For those of you who know this pain on a personal level let me just say I admire your strength. I admire your ability to have gotten past those dark days. I admire your courage to go on. I do not know how you did it or how you continue to do it today. You are a stronger person than I am, and I am humbled by you.
Let me close this with this:
Wifey… I love you so much. I am a horrible husband to you and I am utterly selfish. You deserve so much better in life but never forget that I love you and I consider myself blessed to have you in my life. You are the greatest gift I have ever received. It will be October before you know it. Stay strong. I love you.
Mom and Dad, I love you and I am sorry for being a punk ass kid (even still).
Kat and Lu - you are my people. I love you both as my sisters and my friends. I have learned so much from both of you and am eternally grateful to be your little brother.
To everyone else, family and friends - I love you all. Never forget that and never doubt it.
To anyone else who might have just stumbled across my blog, know that there are people out here manning the wall who care enough about you to put their lives on the line. Never forget the sacrifice that we are making for you. You don’t have to agree with the politics of war, but never miss an opportunity to thank the men fighting this war and the loved one staying strong back home. You owe us more than you can ever repay, but you can begin with your gratitude.
This isn’t a goodbye any means, I am still here and will still continue to be. Don’t worry about me as I am still safe and will continue to be smart. I now have a rifle and ammo, in addition to the pistol I sleep with at night.
This isn't goodbye just simply a reminder that life is bigger than we can comprehend. It is too big and too valuable to fathom. I wanted to remind you of how precious life is and to remind you to be grateful for this day and for the next. Get down on your knees in gratitude and live this day like it was your last.
I love you all...
happy halloween
11 years ago
Austin - Thank you so much for your soul-bearing comments. And thank you for being there for me on that wall. You know, for a punk ass kid, you show a lot of compassion for others. You're a credit to your mom and dad and the rest of us that love you.
Please stay smart and stay safe.
Very nice blog, Austin. We are all missing you and wishing you a safe return very very soon.
i miss you!
Good perspective. I love you!
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