Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This is where is all begins...

Well today wasn't the first day of my training but it was the first day to post, which means it is the first official day. The more I type and the more you read the more you will understand why this is a real super man's blog. I took about 6 weeks off and did zero training until about a week ago. So I am starting to get back into the swing of elite fitness.
Today: Ran 2.5 Miles (20 mins), 100 pullups, 200 squats, 300 crunches (40 mins), 2.5 mile run back (20 mins)

Top Five List of things most people don’t know about me:
1. Milk gives me gas.
2. I think I am ambidextrous, just out of practice at using my left hand
3. My biggest fear in life is living with regrets
4. This is actually the third blog I have done. The first two didn’t work out so well.
5. I am an introvert… an introverted Alpha Male. Go figure.
Honorable mention:
Without proper self motivation, I am the laziest person in the world. A lazy super man? Yeah, that's my kryptonite - laziness.

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