Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Early is a relative term...

So I didn't make the 0530 wake up call of my alarm clock.  But I did get up and go to the gym before work.  Granted the gym was for physical therapy and I went into work late, but still a before work workout is still a before work workout.

After therapy, which consists of lots of stretches and low weights lifts that Tom (the physical trainer) thinks up. Nothing too exciting. Moving right along...

Time to workout for real.  Off to the gym and I ride a stationary bike. Not those sissy, girly ones where you might as well be lying down taking a nap, but a real stationary bike with no computers or gadgets to make me feel more comfortable.  I ride the bike for 30mins and then lift.  40mins of lifting and I call it a day.  Not very exciting but it is what it is.

That is about all for today...

I will get back to the top 5 lists next time.


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