Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And today...

Congrats to Capt Cue ball and Mrs Cue ball as they found out recently that they are expecting their third child.  They already have a boy and a girl and now an alien growing in mama Cue ball's tummy.  She is like 5 or 6 weeks, I think she said. I am not sure if that is good or not but it is what it is.
Is that how you spell tummy? I guess so.
And congrats to Capt Cue ball who beat me on a run this afternoon.  I wasn't really planning on running (in fact the last time I ran was the triathlon from hell) and then I find myself in a 3 mile race.  He beat me by 15 seconds, which is a long distance.  He looked like a little ant he was so far ahead of me.  Ok, not really but he still did a good job.
This past weekend we had wifey's brother in law in town and we also had friends from San Diego visiting. They were attending a wedding in Winter Park of all place.  This week my cousin from Baton Rouge is visiting Disney World so we will probably see them this week too.  I think I am taking Thursday and Friday off from work so that the wifey and I can go to Disney World ourselves. It has been on our "to do" list for a while and why not now.  Poppop (my day) will be in town this weekend and Marmie (death to mimi, my mom) will also be in town but at separate times. 
Wow, what a whirl wind of people and the madness is only partly over.  I am already tired thinking about all the visitors.

Anyways, that is about all I got for today.  

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