Sunday, February 15, 2009

Before and After...

Totally unrelated to anything a triathlon but here are a few pics before and after I photoshopped them...  The wifey thinks adding fake clouds is so over rated.  I think it adds a nice touch making each picture look like a picturesque day... what say you?







Real photo courtesy of Mrs Captain Cueball:



Anonymous said...

The "wifey" thinks that the clear blue sky behind Half Dome is beautiful. You're doing a great job enhancing the pictures though, babe! I won't take that away from you.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, since when do you say 'wifey'?! and i didn't know you were skilled in photoshop ... good job :) ... however, the only "enhanced" one that i liked was the first pic. the rest of them were just fine originally! :)

Real Life Super Man said...

Thanks Martin... and I don't really say the word wifey... it is just something to call her that is anonymous. And thanks for your input now get back to work.

Goes On Runs said...

it adds clouds. big deal!