Monday, February 16, 2009

A project completed...finally

Ok, the garage project started ummm... Jan 1st and I finally finished it today.  No one ever said I was fast.  Here are the pics of the man garage.

Work bench extraordinaire

Work bench from the other side.

This is a cabinet that I filled with Marine Corps stuff

Over the car storage cabinets

The 3rd row of seats to the wifey's car, now hanging on the wall

Last pic of the work bench but you can see the overhead cabinets better

Special thanks to Marmie and Mr Dennis.


Goes On Runs said...

looks awesome!!! good work finishing up what dennis started!

Anonymous said...

That is some garage....good job, Bud. Wish I could say I had more to d with it, but Mr. Denny was the real brains here. Love helping out with all my Lovies.