Friday, February 13, 2009

Triathlon Eve

Well tomorrow is my first triathlon. Well kind of. Technically it is my first official 3 sport event, but it is a sprint triathlon so I hardly count it.  400m swim, 9 mile bike ride and a 2 mile run.  Like I said, very short but it is mostly just getting out there and learning what a triathlon is about. So we will see. 
Anyways, had a follow up appointment today with the Dr and he could not find any reason my heart beats so fast. So for now, I am ok.  But he is going to keep working on it. I will wear a heart monitor for two weeks only taking it off to shower or swim.  Hopefully this longer duration will show the Dr something, anything.  
But like I said, I am not too worried. He said I should be ok.  
Well today's question is, what physical endeavor have you always wanted to accomplish but either never have yet or you have accomplished?  If you have not completed when are you planning to?
For me I want to accomplish a full Ironman in under 13 hours. That is an endeavor I would like to accomplish and hopefully I will do that this November. 

1 comment:

Goes On Runs said...

i want to do a 4.5 marathon.... that may not be reality but i figure if oprah can do that... maybe i can. but then again, she had a nutritionist, trainer, coach......